CSS: Center text (horizontally and vertically)

Ref.: iThome: 29. CSS 水平置中/ 垂直置中的方法

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Mac OS X upgrade cURL with SSL support

┌─Cowman@CLOUD-42:~/Downloads/20160511 └──$ sh curl.sh guList curl: (1) Protocol “‘https” not supported or disabled in libcurl

┌─Cowman@CLOUD-42:~/Downloads/20160511 └──$ brew install curl –with-nghttp2 ==> Installing dependencies for curl: openssl, pkg-config, libev, libevent, jansson, boost, libxml2, spdylay, nghttp2


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Delete snapshots older than 7 days

To avoid running out of disk space in our test environment, we developed a plan to regularly execute shell scripts to clean up unnecessary snapshots.

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Continuously print the file content

Use the command ‘tail’ to print the file contents, starting from the beginning of the file and print new contents continuously.

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HBase Client 2.5.5 in JDK 11

Because of the vulnerability scan results of the project, the JDK version must be upgraded from 8 to 11 to complete the repair.

The original HBase Client version 1.2 we used was incompatible with JDK 11, so we had to update the HBase Client version.
After collecting and comparing information on the Internet, I am planning to upgrade the HBase Client version to 2.5.5. The main reason why not choose a newer version (such as version 3) is that the difference between the versions is too big.

However, version 2.5.5 is still incompatible with JDK 11, so some adjustments must be made to make the service work properly.
Referring to the instructions at https://www.cnblogs.com/yjmyzz/p/hbase_client_with_jdk17.html, we must add this setting to the jvm startup parameters.

Due to the upgrade of HBase Client, “NoSuchColumnFamilyException” errors will occur in existing usage methods (such as using tableExists to confirm whether the table exists).
After referring to the relevant instructions on the Internet, this error is mainly due to the different table management mechanism of version 2.5.5 (https://stackoverflow.com/a/58498721). Therefore, the related usage methods need to be changed and adjusted.

  1. Adjust checkTableExist method

    We first obtain all table information through “listTableDescriptors”, and then use this information to check whether it exists.

  2. Adjust isTableEnabled method (check whether table status is enabled)

    Use try-catch block to catch exceptions, and use the captured exceptions to determine whether the required state is already in place.

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AES decrypt in postman

sample code:

Here we choose AES-256 to encrypt / decrypt the secure information. When using AES, the length of the secretKey is important. The length of secretKey in AES-128 is 16 bits, and in AES-256 is 32 bits.

And in our case, the length of secretKey is no enough. So we will use the function padding to fill in the missing length.

source: CSDN: AES解密,key长度不够16处理

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[Java] Create CSV files with BOM

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[Linux] pkill command

I don’t know what’s going on.

But we can use command “pkill” to delete those abnormal processes.

Reference: stackoverflow: How to kill all processes with a given partial name?

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[Java] Google authenticator

1. Greddy’s Blogs: Google Authenticator實作
2. 菜鳥工程師 肉豬: Spring Boot 使用Google身分驗證器做TOTP驗證 Google Authenticator TOTP auth

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[Java] Download file without saving


CSDN: InputStream类available和read方法可能读取不到完整的流数据

stackoverflow: How to read a http file inmemory without saving on local drive?

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