Eclipse 安裝 Python 模組

  1. 下載 Python 進行安裝
    Python 下載連結


  1. 開啟 Eclipse => Help => Eclipse Marketplace

  2. 搜尋 Python => Go

  3. 安裝 PyDev – Python IDE for Eclipse

  4. 勾選 PyDev for Eclipse、Pydev Mylyn Integration => Next

  5. I accept the terms of the license agreements

  6. 勾選 Brainwy Software; PyDev; Brainwy => OK

  7. 重新啟動 Eclipse

  8. 開啟 Eclipse => Windows => preferences

  9. PyDev => Python Interpreters => Python Interpreter => New (右上角) => 尋找 Python 安裝的目錄,選擇 Python.exe

使用精靈創建 Python 專案,預設的註解會變成單引號,會造成錯誤 => 應該是雙引號

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